Fallout - present legend of the peace of role games, which possesses learned and unique settingom. In its time artificial postapokalipticheskiy peace knew how to captivate hearts of hundreds of thousands of players on entire light - due to the bright characters, the captivating combat mechanics and the general atmosphere of the free, open for studies peace.
Unfortunately, through the fault of number of factors for game so it was impossible to become commercial successful product. Even now, ten years after the output of original version, the summary print run of dilogii counts a total of several hundred thousands of copies (and that, only due to successfully "shot" collection Fallout/Fallout 2). However, in reality with Fallout became acquainted several times more than people, because of the activity of contemporary flibust'erov. Underground propagation placed cross on the future of company Interplay, but made from the unprepossessing mouse a cult project. Seemingly there not it was, in 2003 the official continuation Fallout 3, more known under the code name Van Buren (in the honor of the eighth President OF THE USA), it was frozen, but his developers - command Black Isle Studios - ended its existence. However, hope for the triumphal return to series precisely today appeared. In 2004 of right to trade mark Fallout acquires one of the most talented and most successful studios of the market for role games - company Bethesda Softworks, authors Morrowind and Oblivion - two last inkarnatsiy of universe The Elder Scrolls. The reason for purchase lies not only in the desire to earn. In the association of developers occur numerous ardent fans of postapokalipticheskogo peace, so that the work on continuation starts practically immediately. But already on E3-2007 Bethesda "rolls" to the law court of public working demo- version, and people begin to believe in bright future of project. It is worthwhile to recognize, reasons for a similar optimism it is quite sufficient. After redeeming rights to the game for the big enough money (on the rumors the sum of transaction it comprised order $5,7 of mln.), management Bethesda Softworks thus it showed the worshippers of franchayza enormous service. First, in the role of developers it is difficult to present the more suitable candidature: in association Bethesda work the professionals of their matter. Moreover, this concerns both the especially technical specialists and representatives of creative professions - designers and artists. In the second place, company decided to strike immediately all fronts - besides the "native" PC, Fallout 3 will leave even on Xbox 360 and Sony PS3. Subject of game - classical. In 2077 China delivered the massirovannyy missile strike around all cities OF THE USA, as a result of which great there is no time nation in effect ceased to exist. On that which became with itself China, it is hushed up, but it is possible to assume that to Asiatics it was reached not less. The events of game will unfold in the 23rd century, several hundred years after the beginning of nuclear war. In the former states only those survived, who in time had time to settle in the underground air-raid shelters Vault- tech (famous smiling himself boy - firm sign of precisely this corporation). In one of them (Vault 101, if to be more precise) and it is born the main hero Fallout 3. The initial generation of hero flows in the dense tying to the subject: beginning from the generation and up to "today's" days. The process of creation al'ter-ego is anticipated by scenes from its life: appearance to the light, vzrosleniye, celebration of the 10th birthday... Specifically, at this age occurs the "coronation" of the growing up member of society by the personal assistant Pip-Boy, that is analog KPK, nosimogo on the wrist and equipped with the functions of radio receiver and radiation monitor. But at the age 16- TI of years for hero one must pass test to the professional fitness and select future path in life. In the essences, this is the text examination, according to results of which the computer automatically scatters glasses of the characteristics of character and his initial skills (into number of which enter the habits of repair, instruction in the basics of medicine, to rotation with the small arms, etc.).
And even
phrases of dialogues will noticeably differ depending on the selection of player, personal attitude of father toward son. Just as the appearance of parent. The fact is that see daddy is possible will be only after the creation of the appearance of its hero. And already on the basis of the analysis of its appearance will be corrected face of father. This here is curtsey to the side of realism. As far as the very Vault of 101 is concerned, it as if descended from the American posters of the 50th it was annual past century. The computers, which work on the relay, the lamp radio-gramophones, the corresponding clothing etcetera. the "internal" peace Vault of 101 is sufficiently colorless, worn and archaic. However, in it rest and order reigns. It is more accurate, they reigned up to that moment, when happened that happened... As push to the proceeding events will serve the mysterious disappearance of the only parent of the hero from Vault of 101. The loss of the leader of underground association (on the pluralism - prominent scientist), noticeably will shake the stability of the local population: suspicions will begin and slanting views in the address of young "heir", in air it will smell grow brown... All this will push slightly son to the searches for father, will make it necessary to leave there is no time hospitable "cellars" and to be selected to the surface... For the first time in the life, at the 19-year age. After proving to be outside, player will reveal his hero in the desert locality of Washington, region Columbia. The there is no time well-organized territory is now populated by predatory animal, dangerous mutants and those competing with each other by groups. The brotherhood of steel (Brotherhood of Steel) protects from the invasions of mutants (and of other poultry) the remainders of the there is no time great capital. Bands Slavers occupied paradis of folz, and they give no one of passage. Well and, naturally - super-mutants. This fraternity special druzhelyubnost'yu never was characterized by. Cruel, physically strong essences are not separately legible into sre?o of the essences, this is the text examination, according to results of which the computer automatically scatters glasses of the characteristics of character and his initial skills (into number of which enter the habits of repair, instruction in the basics of medicine, to rotation with the small arms, etc.). And even phrases of dialogues will noticeably differ depending on the selection of player, personal attitude of father toward son. Just as the appearance of parent.
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