Devil May Cry 4 - stormy devil cry (preview)
Author: Anton Kostyukevich
Genre: Action
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Web site: Devil May Cry 4
System requirements: None announced
Data Released in 2008
Dante. What makes you thought that word? For some, this is a rare name to the other - the main character "Divine Comedy" of Dante Alighieri, and for "playing" the public is - charismatic blondes, fighter of evil and demons from the main fighter. Three part series about his adventures were warmly received at the "native" platform PS2 and the creators brought considerable profit. Unrestrained action to make happy and entertaining incredible publisher of PC owners, represented by Capcom long time was not addressed. And when the last hope was lost, Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening suddenly emerged on computers, and perhaps even in the special version. Unfortunately, prochuvstvovat fully pleasure from the project hampered by an unusually unsuccessful management and outdated graphics, which is not subrule. But those who start with the control of Dante and turned a blind eye to unsightly picture opened fascinating, and very exciting kinematografichny Action.
Pumpkinhead spectacle
In Devil May Cry 4 such history is not repeated. The project was originally developed in versions for PC, and the delayed exit in sight. In the list appear on other platforms Xbox 360 and PS3, so bad schedule will come to an end. Not limited capacity PS2 developers put maximum. Already at this stage the game looks excellent. Almost living heroes, in part razrushaemoe environment, incredibly beautiful (if they may say)-monsters enemies. The latter paid no less attention than the key characters. Above each creatures with very strict working artists, animators and other staff. The result is not forced to wait - different variations of spiders, demons, incomprehensible mess and clutter claws are unique and uniquely.
And when it comes to bosses, it wants rukopleskat standing. Particularly enduring creatures in the past have been a remarkable series of parties, but with the fourth part ascended to a new level. The most impressive of all shown so far looks Berial monsters. This eerie creation about three times as much the hero and outwardly resembles Balroga from "The Lord of the Rings" - enormous horns and burning the body attached. To send to the light of each chief's need to show remarkable ingenuity, choosing special tactics.
New faces
To replace the old heroes are pohoroshevshie new. Place charismatic blonde Dante takes no less charismatic and "blondinisty" Nero. The differences between them are minimal, and the guys look like twins, which, however, does not prevent them fight with each other.
Events Devil May Cry 4 will be developed between the first and second parts, so there is a good reference to the past and future of the explanation. Unclear what Dante is not struck developers, but it does not put them in the best possible light. On whatever kills Chapter Order of Mecha, specializing in trapping and destruction of all kinds of evil. Warrior, of course, excluded from the Order, declared outside the law, and to begin the hunt himself. Just such gonchey on the trace of Dante and will be Nero. In addition to carrying out the mission, and he has his own goal. Dopodlinno not know what motivates them, but most likely, the conflict between the two fighters monsters lies in the relationship with the female sex. Simply put, Dante once killed expensive for Neuro girl. What end hostility remains to be seen, but the fight between heroes not avoid. You can take part in battles not only for Nero, but for Dante - from time to time placeholders mission, which goes under the administration of the old acquaintance.
Methods combat from Dante virtually unchanged. He also relies on various martial arts, faithful rapid sword and a pair of pistols. Now add a nuance - with the ability to develop a set of experiences. Receptions Neuro look in a different way: he owns a curious sword "Red Queen", which can be adjusted level attacks using pens gas (!) At the joystick. Pistols boy prefers a revolver "Blue Rose", but double, with a double shot causing serious damage to the opponents. A different style of fighting Nero does not own. However, it does not prevent an active hunter killing a mob of demons, because nature has awarded it a unique right hand, or rather, no longer hand, and the present "Kulak Demon." To use this doc limbs lot of points, and she often required to deal with the many puzzles. Using it, you can prityanut enemy closer подбросить it in the air, then mix well culinary roll to the ground or into the wall and quit. Miracle hand allows suddenly teleport directly to the monsters, or even for their backs, and interacts with simple weapons, increasing the damage caused. Gameplay has remained the same unending massacre, for which we love and Devil May Cry. Virtuoso attack, combining styles, and crowds of enemies indescribable feeling drive - all on the ground, and while moving to a new generation of consoles and the PC is not affected. On the contrary, with the modern game graphics shine in a new way and may issue a handicap Hollywood combatant.
Difficulties adapting
Development versions for different platforms is at the same time, and therefore, optimization and management issues are given due weight. True, the last match under the standard keyboard, most likely will not be able to until the end - too many buttons to press accounts at the same time. So zapasaytes geympadami advance. Sorry about spent money on the device with access Devil May Cry 4, you will not be. After all doubt in the success of the project no reason.
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